Nos gusta el día de sombreros locos en Parkview. #catinthehatday #drseussweek #hesdpride #pkvpride
about 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
Cat in the hat day.
Thank you to our amazing parent volunteers for working together to make our classrooms beautiful!
about 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
Mrs. Carbajal's February Door- La puerta del salón de Sra. Carbajal para febrero.
When your grade level teams schedule their own PD with the ELST, you know your working with dedicated ROCKSTARS! #hesdpride #pkvpride
about 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
teaching eachother
learning together
Parkview students return to school tomorrow, January 8th! We can't wait to see all of you. Estudiantes de Parkview regresarán mañana, 8 de enero. ¡Estamos emocionados a verles!
about 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
We love our visit every year from the toymaker, Gene West. What a magical hands-on experience! #hesdpride #pkvpride
over 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
Mrs. Comstock had a blast trotting with her turkey, Paloma Pavo, for Parkview's Turkey Trot! #hesdpride #pkvpride #dontforgettohavefun
over 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
Paloma Pavo
little turkeys
trotting turkeys
After consulting with county experts on the forecast for air quality and weather, in an abundance of caution, Parkview and all HESD schools will be closed on Wednesday, November 14th. We take the decision to close very seriously and are concerned about the unpredictability of the fires, wind and smoke, such as we saw today.
over 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
Después de consultar a los expertos del condado sobre el pronóstico para la calidad del aire y el clima, con bastante cautela, Parkview y todas las escuelas de HESD permanecerán cerradas el miércoles 14 de noviembre. Tomamos la decisión de cerrar muy seriamente y estamos preocupados por la imprevisibilidad de los incendios, el viento y el humo, como vimos hoy.
over 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
Parkview Mustangs, we will have school tomorrow. Our district has been working with specialists and it has been determined to be safe.
over 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
Parkview Mustangs, habrá clases mañana. Nuestro distrito ha estado trabajando con especialistas y se ha determinado que es seguro.
over 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
Familias de Parkview, la escuela estará cerrada mañana, 11/9, debido al incendio cercano. La escuela se reanudará el 11/13. Por favor, mantense seguro.
over 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
Parkview families, school will be closed tomorrow, 11/9, due to the nearby fire. School will resume on 11/13. Please stay safe.
over 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
Join Parkview for our Family Literacy Night, this Thursday from 6:00 to 7:00. Here is the link to the flyer for Camp Read S'More!
over 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
I am loving the teacher and student clarity shown on this learning wall! #hesdpride #pkvpride #teacherclarity
over 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
learning wall
Parkview's parade of books was a huge success! Mustangs love to read. #hesdpride #pkvpride #reading
over 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
book parade
book parade
dear teacher
Parkview Mustangs are living Dancing with Our Future Stars! #pkvpride #hesdpride #dwofs
over 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
At Parkview, we make amends. We build relationships. We restore what once was. #teamwork #restorativejustice #hesdpride #pkvpride
over 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
teamwork sweeping
Parkview Mustangs are building oracy while moving! #oracyprecedesliteracy #hesdpride #pkvpride
over 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
talking students
dual language students
The Mustangs are already filling the shelves with all of the books they have read! #pkvpride #hesdpride
over 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
book shelf chart
We are up to 22 minutes and 3 seconds of reading stamina in our 1st/2nd grade combo! Go readers! #hesdpride #pkvpride
over 6 years ago, Cara Comstock
reading chart