Parkview, click here to learn about Parkview's online book fair! Haga clic para conocer más sobre la feria del libro de Parkview.
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock
PKV, good morning, click for info about today's PTA meeting. Buenos días, haga clic para información sobre la junta de PTA de hoy.
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock
PKV, there is no shool Wednesday, 11/11, in honor of Veteran's Day. no hay escuela Miércoles 11/11, en honor al Día de los Veteranos.
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock
PKV, no hay servicio de comidas este miércoles 11/11. Si el miércoles es el día para recoger su almuerzo, venga a recoger su almuerzo hoy de 4 pm a 6 pm.
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock
PKV, there is no meal service this Wednesday, 11/11. If Wednesday is your meal pick-up day, please come pick up your meals today from 4 pm-6pm.
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock
So happy to have these sweethearts back in class! Baby steps with tiny groups of students. #pkvpride #hesdpride
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock
Student writing
Children in class
Children dancing
Parkview, click this link to read about our PTA fundraiser. Haga clic en el enlace para leer sobre la recaudación de fondos.
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock
Parkview, haga clic en este enlace si desea ser miembro de la junta de la PTA de Parkview este año.
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock
Parkview, click this link if you would like to be a member of Parkview's PTA board this year.
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock
Parkview, haga clic en este enlace para ver un video de bienvenida de la PTA de Parkview.
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock
Parkview, click this link to watch a welcome video from Parkview's PTA.
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock
Parkview Kindergarten pumpkin patch! #hesdpride #pkvpride
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock
child holding pumpkin
PKV, Únase a nosotros para un desfile de estudiantes a pie el 30 de octubre. Haga clic en el enlace para obtener más detalles.
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock
PKV, join us for a student walking parade on October 30th. Click the link for details.
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock
No kids on campus for Crazy Hair Day? No problem! #pkvpride #hesdpride
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock
crazy hair
Best zoom background ever! Parkview Mustangs like to party! #hesdpride #pkvpride
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock
zoom party!
Parkview Mustangs are making music in distance learning! #pkvpride #hesdpride
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock
playing recorders
Parkview, Remember, tomorrow is Crazy Hair Day! Recuerda, ¡Mañana es el Día del Cabello Loco!
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock
Parkview family, click this link to read the Parkview newsletter. Haga clic para leer las noticias de Parkview.
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock
Parkview families, Monday is not a school holiday. Students do attend online classes on Monday, October 12th.
over 4 years ago, Cara Comstock