WILLIAMS REMINDER: Please help us out by completing and returning the yellow federal forms to school that were sent home a week ago. Also, we invite our Wildcats to participate in tomorrow's Red Ribbon Spirit Week activity: Monday, 10/25: Team up against drugs! Wear your favorite team gear.
about 3 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
red ribbon week
HESD Community: Please read this week's issue of the "Hueneme Channel." https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel
about 3 years ago, Hueneme ESD
RECORDATORIO DE WILLIAMS: Día de entrenamiento de maestros el lunes, 10/11. NO HAY CLASES MAÑANA. Nos vemos de nuevo en clases el martes, 12 de octubre.
over 3 years ago, Williams Wildcats
WILLIAMS REMINDER: Staff development day for teachers on, Monday, 10/11. NO SCHOOL TOMORROW. We’ll see you back in class on Tuesday, 10/12.
over 3 years ago, Williams Wildcats
HESD Community: Please read this week's issue of the "Hueneme Channel." https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel
over 3 years ago, Hueneme ESD
HESD Community: Please read this week's issue of the "Hueneme Channel." https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel
over 3 years ago, Hueneme ESD
WILLIAMS NOTE: Please CLICK ON THE LINK to review our October Parent Bulletin. https://www.smore.com/rj79w NOTA DE WILLIAMS: Por favor HAGA CLIC EN EL ENLACE para repasar el Boletin de Padres. https://www.smore.com/28b3t
over 3 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
parent newsletter mailbox
HESD Community: Please read this week's issue of the "Hueneme Channel." https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel
over 3 years ago, Hueneme ESD
WILLIAMS REMINDER: We’re looking forward to seeing everyone for Picture Day TOMORROW, 09/23. Dress nicely AND follow the dress code. Thank you and have a goodnight!
over 3 years ago, Williams Wildcats
RECORDATORIO DE WILLIAMS: Esperamos verlos a todos para el Día de las Fotos Escolares MAÑANA, 09/23. Vístanse guapos/guapas PERO sigan el código de vestimenta. ¡Gracias y buenas noches!
over 3 years ago, Williams Wildcats
We tested our emergency notification system, where we will send out important updates and reminders. Please consider saving 98900 to your contacts. If you did not receive a text message from our system, please contact the school to confirm your cell number is up-to-date.
over 3 years ago, Hueneme Elementary School District
RECORDATORIO DE WILLIAMS: Se le invita a nuestro evento de Noche de Regreso a la Escuela Virtual de HOY. Asegúrese de iniciar su sesión en el enlace de Google Meet / Zoom proporcionado por el/la maestro/a de su hijo/a. Si lo olvidó, consulte la página de Google Classroom o Seesaw de su hijo/a.
over 3 years ago, Williams Wildcats
WILLIAMS REMINDER: Our Williams families are invited to our VIRTUAL Back to School Night event TODAY. Please make sure you sign on to the Google Meet / Zoom link provided by your child’s teacher. If you forgot, please check your child’s Google Classroom or Seesaw for the link.
over 3 years ago, Williams Wildcats
RECORDATORIO DE WILLIAMS: Recuerden que comenzamos puntualmente a las 8:00 am. ¡POR FAVOR prepare a su hijo/a para el éxito llegando a clase a tiempo TODOS LOS DÍAS! Abrimos las puertas a las 7:30 am y el desayuno se sirve antes de clases en la cafetería de 7:30-7:55 am.
over 3 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
WILLIAMS REMINDER: Remember that school starts promptly at 8:00 am. PLEASE help set up our Wildcats for success by arriving to school on time EVERY DAY! Our doors open at 7:30 am and breakfast is served before school in the cafeteria from 7:30-7:55 am.
over 3 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
don't be late
WILLIAMS REMINDER: Please note that the school driveway is closed at certain times for safety reasons. When closed, ONLY staff and blue disabled placard cars will be allowed in. In the morning, the driveway's CLOSED from 7:45-8 am. At dismissal, the driveway's CLOSED from 2:15-2:40 pm.
over 3 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
NOTA DE WILLIAMS: Se les avisa que el estacionamiento escolar estará cerrado a ciertas horas por razones de seguridad. Cuando esté cerrado, SÓLO los carros de maestros y con placas azules para discapacitados podrán entrar. Por la mañana, CERRAMOS de 7:45-8 am. A la salida, CERRAMOS de 2:15-2:40 pm.
over 3 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
WILLIAMS NOTE: Please CLICK here to review the Parent Bulletin: https://www.smore.com/fgxrc NOTA DE WILLIAMS: Por favor haga CLIC para repasar el Boletin de Padres: https://www.smore.com/7yrh4
over 3 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
parent bulletin
WILLIAMS REMINDER: Don't forget that Williams students in grades 1-5 will follow our Early Dismissal Wednesday schedule TODAY, 09/08/21! Grades 1-3: 8:00-12:35 pm / Grades 4-5: 8:00-12:45 pm
over 3 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
early release wednesday
RECORDATORIO DE WILLIAMS: ¡No olvide que los estudiantes de Williams en los grados 1-5 seguirán nuestro horario de Salida Temprana del miércoles HOY, 09/08/21! Grados 1-3: 8:00-12:35 pm / Grados 4-5: 8:00-12:45 pm
over 3 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
salida temprana