Hornet Hive Update: Visit the attached link for this week’s bulletin. Thank you! https://www.smore.com/3exns
Hornet Hive Update: Green JHS students at ACE Charter HS! Thank you @ACECharter
#greenjhs @EOGreenHornets
Hornet Hive Update: Join double the fun tomorrow beginning at 5pm. Enjoy our ASES and SHINE Winter Showcase followed by a presentation on college readiness. Students earn a non-uniform dress day for your participation. https://bit.ly/3WFQx1l
Hornet Hive Update: Visit the attached link for this week’s bulletin. Thank you! https://www.smore.com/he2x8
Actualización de Hornet Hive: Las clases de Logrando Bienestar en Mixteco están disponibles. Consulte el volantes. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cyvpAs-nXH5hRzOgtlSIu0LGkWOqzfud/view?usp=share_link
Hornet Hive Update: Dear E.O. Green parents and guardians please take time to complete the brief 2022-2023 School Needs Assessment Parent Survey. Questions 1-4 have to do with STANDARDS AND ASSESSMENT and questions 5-13 have to do with TEACHING AND LEARNING. We appreciate your feedback. Hornet Hive Update: Dear E.O. Green parents and guardians please take some time to complete the brief 2022-2023 School Needs Assessment Parent Survey. Questions 1-4 have to do with STANDARDS AND ASSESSMENT and questions 5-13 have to do with TEACHING AND LEARNING. We appreciate your feedback. https://bit.ly/3ZTfEAe
Actualización de Hornet Hive: Atención familias de 8.° grado: Es la época del año en la que las escuelas secundarias planean recibir a nuestros estudiantes en el otoño de 2023. Los consejeros de la escuela secundaria se reunirán con los estudiantes de 8.° grado para analizar la inscripción, cursos y trayectorias profesionales. Visite el sitio web donde dice NOTICIAS de nuestra escuela para obtener más información o haga clic aquí https://bit.ly/3WtPgKu Comience a discutir a qué escuela secundaria asistirá su estudiante, transferencias, materias optativas de interés y caminos profesionales. No se pierda ninguna de las oportunidades para obtener más información o no cumpla con los plazos.
Hornet Hive Update: Attention 8th Grade Families—It is the time of year in which area high schools are planning to receive our 8th graders as their 9th graders in Fall 2023. High School counselors will be meeting with 8th grade students to discuss high school enrollment, course planning, and career pathways. Go to our school website in the NEWS section to learn more about these events or click here https://bit.ly/3D0z9Ny Begin to discuss what high school your student will be attending, transfers, electives of interest, and career pathways. Don’t miss out on any of the opportunities to learn more or miss the deadlines.
Hornet Hive Update: Please see the attached flyer to learn about an upcoming Youth Summit this MLK weekend. Your student will need to reserve a spot and sign up to play a community basketball game and receive a free jersey. https://bit.ly/3X5GWl8 https://bit.ly/3vUqTdZ
Hornet Hive Update: Achieving Well-Being will present healthy mind-healthy body workshops to help parents understand the importance of mental and emotional health. Topics include bullying, depression, and anxiety. The workshops are every Tuesday for the rest of this month and on Sundays in Mixteco. Please see the attached flyers for details on the time and location. This is a hybrid presentation in which you can join on Zoom or in person. http://bit.ly/3w470kK
Hornet Hive Update: Visit the attached link for this week’s bulletin. Thank you! https://www.smore.com/s6d0k
Hornet Hive Update: We hope everyone is enjoying the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend. No school Monday, Jan 16. Classes resume on Tuesday, Jan 17.
Actualización de Hornet Hive: Consulte el folleto adjunto para obtener información sobre una próxima Conferencia de la Juventud este fin de semana de MLK. Su estudiante deberá reservar un lugar e inscribirse para jugar un juego de baloncesto comunitario y recibir una camiseta gratis. https://bit.ly/3X5GWl8 https://bit.ly/3vUqTdZ
Hornet Hive Update: Please see the attached flyer to learn about an upcoming Youth Summit this MLK weekend. Your student will need to reserve a spot and sign up to play a community basketball game and receive a free jersey. https://bit.ly/3X5GWl8 https://bit.ly/3vUqTdZ
Actualización de Hornet Hive: Consulte el folleto adjunto para obtener información sobre una próxima Conferencia para la Juventud este fin de semana de MLK. Su estudiante deberá reservar un lugar https://bit.ly/3X5GWl8 e inscribirse para jugar un juego de baloncesto comunitario y recibir una camiseta gratis https://bit.ly/3vUqTdZ
Hornet Hive Update: Please see the attached flyer to learn about an upcoming Youth Summit this MLK weekend. Your student will need to reserve a spot and sign up to play a community basketball game and receive a free jersey. https://bit.ly/3X5GWl8 https://bit.ly/3vUqTdZ
Hornet Hive Update: Dear E.O. Green parents and guardians please take some time to complete the brief 2022-2023 School Needs Assessment Parent Survey. Questions 1-4 have to do with STANDARDS AND ASSESSMENT and questions 5-13 have to do with TEACHING AND LEARNING. We appreciate your feedback. https://forms.gle/fcPwLJGjNmM12gFu6
Hornet Hive Update: Visit the attached link for this week’s bulletin. Thank you! https://www.smore.com/xuhm7
Hornet Hive Update: We are excited to kick off the new year with an exciting opportunity for our school community. Join us on Sat., Feb 4th for this year's GradNation Summit. See the attached flyer for details and register by Jan. 26th. http://bit.ly/3VPzWYf
Hornet Hive Update: Happy New Year! Classes resume on Thursday, Jan 5, 2023. See you tomorrow!
------------------------------------------ Actualización de Hornet Hive: ¡Feliz año nuevo! Las clases continúan jueves 5 de enero de 2023. Nos vemos mañana.