Hornet Hive Update: Our school office is open this week 6/20-6/23 from 8am-12pm and 1pm-4pm should you need to stop by with any end of school year business. -------------------------------------------------------- Actualización de Hornet Hive: Nuestra oficina escolar está abierta esta semana del 20 al 23 de junio de 8am a 12 pm y de 1pm a 4pm.
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Dear E.O. Green school community, please take a moment to read this important letter from Principal Melgoza-Vasquez. https://bit.ly/3PinrVB -------------------------------------- Actualización de Hornet Hive: Estimada comunidad escolar de E.O. Green , tómese un momento para leer esta importante carta de parte de la Directora Melgoza-Vásquez. https://bit.ly/3PinrVB
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Click on your student's grade level to learn about our last week of school schedules and events. 6th: https://bit.ly/3CiTNI2 7th: https://bit.ly/3MTS298 8th: https://bit.ly/3qyZ8IP -----------------------------------------Actualización de Hornet Hive: Haga clic en el nivel de grado de su estudiante para conocer nuestros horarios y eventos de la última semana escolar. 6to: https://bit.ly/3CiTNI2 7mo: https://bit.ly/3MTS298 8vo: https://bit.ly/3qyZ8IP
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Promotion ceremony live stream link: https://twitter.com/EOGreenHornets -------------------------- Actualización de Hornet Hive: Enlace de transmisión en vivo de la ceremonia de promoción: https://twitter.com/EOGreenHornets
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Click on your student's grade level to learn about our last week of school schedules and events. 6th: https://bit.ly/3CiTNI2 7th: https://bit.ly/3MTS298 8th: https://bit.ly/3qyZ8IP ------------------------------------------Actualización de Hornet Hive: Haga clic en el nivel de grado de su estudiante para conocer nuestros horarios y eventos de la última semana escolar. 6to: https://bit.ly/3CiTNI2 7mo: https://bit.ly/3MTS298 8vo: https://bit.ly/3qyZ8IP
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Click on your student's grade level to learn about our last week of school schedules and events. 6th: https://bit.ly/3CiTNI2 7th: https://bit.ly/3MTS298 8th: https://bit.ly/3qyZ8IP ------------------------------------------Actualización de Hornet Hive: Haga clic en el nivel de grado de su estudiante para conocer nuestros horarios y eventos de la última semana escolar. 6to: https://bit.ly/3CiTNI2 7mo: https://bit.ly/3MTS298 8vo: https://bit.ly/3qyZ8IP
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Thursday, June 15, 6th and 7th graders have a late start school day from 11am-2:30pm. It is also the last day for the after school program. ------------------------- Actualización de Hornet Hive: Mañana jueves, 15 de junio, los estudiantes de 6º y 7º grado tienen un día escolar de inicio tarde de 11am a 2:30pm. También es el último día para el programa despues de escuela.
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Click on your student's grade level to learn about our last week of school schedules and events. 6th: https://bit.ly/3CiTNI2 7th: https://bit.ly/3MTS298 8th: https://bit.ly/3qyZ8IP ------------------------------------------Actualización de Hornet Hive: Haga clic en el nivel de grado de su estudiante para conocer nuestros horarios y eventos de la última semana escolar. 6to: https://bit.ly/3CiTNI2 7mo: https://bit.ly/3MTS298 8vo: https://bit.ly/3qyZ8IP
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Actualización de Hornet Hive: Los estudiantes que deseen donar uniformes que se les quedan pequeños, o los estudiantes de octavo grado que ya no los necesiten, pueden traer los uniformes al patio este martes y miércoles por la mañana antes de la escuela. Los uniformes serán recogidos por el Sr. Arthur y los miembros de ASB. Cada uniforme completo (superior e inferior) otorgará al donante una pulsera para el día de vestimenta no uniforme. Los días de vestimenta libre serán jueves y/o viernes dependiendo de la cantidad de uniformes donados. Consulte nuestra política de vestimenta sin uniforme: https://bit.ly/3oX25Ck
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Students who would like to donate outgrown uniforms, or 8th grade students who will no longer need them, may bring the uniforms to the outdoor stage on the main quad Tuesday and Wednesday mornings before school. Uniforms will be collected by Mr. Arthur and ASB members. Each complete (top and bottom) uniform will earn the donor one nonuniform dress day wristband. The free dress days will be Thursday and/or Friday depending on the number of uniforms donated. Please see our nonuniform dress policy: https://bit.ly/3oX25Ck
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Visit the attached link for this week’s bulletin. Thank you! https://www.smore.com/7v4dm ------------------------------------------ Actualización de Hornet Hive: Visite el enlace adjunto para el boletín de esta semana. ¡Gracias! https://www.smore.com/7v4dm
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Click on your student's grade level to learn about our last week of school schedules and events. 6th: https://bit.ly/3CiTNI2 7th: https://bit.ly/3MTS298 8th: https://bit.ly/3qyZ8IP ------------------------------------------Actualización de Hornet Hive: Haga clic en el nivel de grado de su estudiante para conocer nuestros horarios y eventos de la última semana escolar. 6to: https://bit.ly/3CiTNI2 7mo: https://bit.ly/3MTS298 8vo: https://bit.ly/3qyZ8IP
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Click on your student's grade level to learn about our last week of school schedules and events. 6th: https://bit.ly/3CiTNI2 7th: https://bit.ly/3MTS298 8th: https://bit.ly/3qyZ8IP ------------------------------------------Actualización de Hornet Hive: Haga clic en el nivel de grado de su estudiante para conocer nuestros horarios y eventos de la última semana escolar. 6to: https://bit.ly/3CiTNI2 7mo: https://bit.ly/3MTS298 8vo: https://bit.ly/3qyZ8IP
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Click on your student's grade level to learn about our last week of school schedules and events. 6th: https://bit.ly/3CiTNI2 7th: https://bit.ly/3MTS298 8th: https://bit.ly/3qyZ8IP ------------------------------------------Actualización de Hornet Hive: Haga clic en el nivel de grado de su estudiante para conocer nuestros horarios y eventos de la última semana escolar. 6to: https://bit.ly/3CiTNI2 7mo: https://bit.ly/3MTS298 8vo: https://bit.ly/3qyZ8IP
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Congratulations to all of our Hornets who reclassified as Fluent in English. Thank you to ELST Tapia & our ELD instructors for supporting our students. @HuenemeElemSD
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High
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Hornet Hive Update: Click on your student's grade level to learn about our last week of school schedules and events. 6th: https://bit.ly/3CiTNI2 7th: https://bit.ly/3MTS298 8th: https://bit.ly/3qyZ8IP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actualización de Hornet Hive: Haga clic en el nivel de grado de su estudiante para conocer nuestros horarios y eventos de la última semana escolar. 6to: https://bit.ly/3CiTNI2 7mo: https://bit.ly/3MTS298 8vo: https://bit.ly/3qyZ8IP
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Yearbook distribution begins tomorrow during lunch, Thursday, 6/9. Students need to show their receipt and school ID. ----------------------- Actualización de Hornet Hive: La distribución del anuario comienza mañana durante el almuerzo, jueves 6/9. Los estudiantes deben mostrar su recibo y su identificación escolar.
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Yearbook distribution begins tomorrow, Thursday, 6/9. Students need to show their receipt and school ID. ----------------------- Actualización de Hornet Hive: La distribución del anuario comienza mañana, jueves 6/9. Los estudiantes deben mostrar su recibo y su identificación escolar.
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Our promotion ceremony is on Thursday, June 15 at 9am. Please read the promotion guide to learn about the details. https://bit.ly/3pDiNH4 Graduation gowns will be given on June 14th. We encourage students to borrow the gowns (TASSEL NOT INCLUDED) so they may be recycled for multiple years. Gowns will be returned at the conclusion of the promotion ceremony. However, gowns are available for purchase for $20 (cash only and exact amount). You may purchase a tassel for $7 or both gown and tassel for $27. Students were given envelopes to be turned in to the office during nutrition, lunch, and/or after school by Friday, June 9th. Be sure to label your envelope. Encourage your 8th grader to come to school daily, follow school rules, and complete all assignments.
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Friday, June 9th is a shortened day for students. Dismissal is at 2:15pm. Be punctual. ------------------- Actualización de Hornet Hive: El viernes 9 de junio es un día corto para los estudiantes. La salida es a la 2:15pm. Sea puntual.
over 1 year ago, Green Junior High